Thursday, December 28, 2006

Holiday part-ays!!

Hello one and all, the Christmas celebrations have come and gone, another season has passed. I am so thankful for the time the Lord gave me to enjoy the Christmas songs on the radio, shopping with and for my sisters (and family) and playing games and eating good eats w/ the fam.

There were a few holiday parties that I attended-the first at the Waltz's for a post-high school/pre-30s party. We wanted a chance for people in college, out of college, to get together and reconnect over break. The fun started w/ good eats, a few of the main courses centered around the lovely chocolate fountain

and some yummy "graduation punch," as I like to call it.

As you'll notice, I didn't take any pics at the party, so these generic ones will have to do :)

The food was followed by sweet sharing of how the Lord has been moving in all our lives in the last year. It is always such a blessing to confess and witness how God is stretching, changing, growing, teaching, disciplining, and revealing Himself in your life and in others' lives. I was very thankful for the fact that people shared and were open and real.

You can't have a holiday party w/out a little white elephant gift exchange. And some of the gifts were pretty sweet-for example, a homemade sock puppet, Denise Austin's Buns of Steel (which I wish I had stolen!), not to mention some sweet Mac and Cheese (which was the gift I won). Too bad I left it at the Waltz's!

If you know me at all, you know that Spirals are my favorite!!

But the coolest gift was this little plastic mini-frisbee shooter thing. It was the one gift I think people were waiting to steal...however, when little 3-year old Jonah stole it from Mikael, it was over. Who can steal a toy from a 3 year old?? Especially one as cute as this:

Needless to say, the fun continued w/ some catch phrase and a sweet round of Guesstures, which I won the tie-breaker round by getting my team to guess the word "Sexy"......who knew?? :)

Anyway, there were more fun times on Christmas w/ my family, but this post is getting long and I'm almost done w/ work, so maybe next time! Until then, I plan to keep celebrating the reason for Christmas-Jesus Christ, and look forward to New Year's with the ladies in Illinois (and Drew and Eli). Looking forward to it!

Later all!

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