Thursday, September 25, 2008

An eventful night planned...

So this is going to crap on my post from yesterday, but I am SUPER PUMPED FOR PREMIERE THURSDAY!!!

On tonight's lineup:

7:00 p.m. - Survivor: Gabon - rumored to be "the most extreme and dangerous season yet". We'll see Probst, we'll see (p.s. congrats to Probst on the Emmy win for hosting Survivor).

8:00 p.m. - Grey's Anatomy (2 hour premier!)

I haven't watched Grey's from the beginning. I'm more of an on-again, off-again viewer. But I did watch the finale, it's rumored this season Izzie will have another love story, and it's always ominous when a main character tells another in last season's finale, "Don't go anywhere, wait for me. I'll be right back." Oh McSteamy, this cannot be a good sign for you and Meredith Grey.

10:00 p.m - The Office (which I will be watching on tape, no dvr for me!) I am fearful something bad will happen to Pam & Jim - they were so close to becoming engaged, but Pam had plans to go to art school for 3 months! Will they or won't they get engaged?!?!?

Woo-woo for a night of television! Thursdays are so great, but so time-consuming!! All my favorite shows in one night!

And one final shout-out for a premier to come:
The return of LOST - February 2009!!

1 comment:

  1. Just so you know, it is McDreamy and Meredith!!! Not McSteamy!!! :)
